I am starting to feel more into myself. Standing is not foreign and uncomfortable, but it feels natural now. I am growing. I am a tree that grows its willpower by standing on its own. Whatever happens, still standing. Each moment I let go serves as a building material for the willpower tree I grow.
As long as I look for something, my creative expression reflects it.
What will my expression reflect when I stop looking for answers?
Maybe the search makes me more complicated and furthers me from what I am. Because when I am constant, then I cannot be the search.
What happens when I move more and more into the attitude of doing something because I enjoy doing it? Doing it because it feels good? I realize that the good feeling is already what I am looking for. By doing things because I enjoy them, I can start seeing my authentic reflection within them. When I begin to chase, I should ask myself, what am I running after? What is it that I don’t have here and now?
The more I search, the more I hide. Each time I think I’ve found myself, poof, like magic, I’m gone again.
What do I see when I look at my reflection while simultaneously wanting nothing?
Dog chasing its tail
I look at the dog and point
the dog has lost his brain
yet look at me
I am the same
while laughing at the dog
I laugh at myself
and while I laugh
I lose my mind
I am the laugh
now I ride
nice to meet me
So..if I am what I search out to find?
How am I money?