The old, old, very old man : or, The age and long life of Thomas Par, the son of Iohn Parr of Winnington in the parish of Alberbury; in the county of Salopp, (or Shropshire) who was borne in the raigne of King Edward the 4th. being aged 152. yeares and odd monethes. His manner of life and conversation in so long a pilgrimage; his marriages, and his bringing up to London about the end of September last. 1635. Whereunto is added a postscript, shewing the many remarkable accidents that hapned in the life of this old man. / Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
The old, old, very old man : or, The age and long life of Thomas Par, the son of Iohn Parr of Winnington in the parish of Alberbury; in the county of Salopp, (or Shropshire) who was borne in the raigne of King Edward the 4th. being aged 152. yeares and odd monethes. His manner of life and conversation in so long a pilgrimage; his marriages, and his bringing up to London about the end of September last. 1635. Whereunto is added a postscript, shewing the many remarkable accidents that hapned in the life of this old man. / Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
The old, old, very old man : or, The age and long life of Thomas Par, the son of Iohn Parr of Winnington in the parish of Alberbury; in the county of Salopp, (or Shropshire) who was borne in the raigne of King Edward the 4th. being aged 152. yeares and odd monethes. His manner of life and conversation in so long a pilgrimage; his marriages, and his bringing up to London about the end of September last. 1635. Whereunto is added a postscript, shewing the many remarkable accidents that hapned in the life of this old man. / Taylor, John, 1580-1653.